Of setbacks and willpower

So, I have been running somewhat successfully these past 2 weeks. Mostly on the treadmill (spending an hour on it is bo-ring, unless you’re in the mood for it!), due to wimping out driving out to Longleat on Sunday the 5th February for a hilly-ish 10k race. The thing that hacked me off was that whilst I was skidding and alternately crawling around in a car in London with the other half the night before Snowmageddon, was that there was virtually little to no snow all the way out west. So I missed out on a cool medal and some early race preparation. To console myself I have since entered the Kingston breakfast run (16 miler) and the Gade Valley Harriers 20 miler (joy!) which happen in March. Funnily enough I shall be running the 20 miles before the 16….tapering, perhaps? Yes, lets call it that!

As for the weights side of things well….they’ve been good so far, I have been enjoying the various pulling and pushing and red-face-huffing-breath-wobbly-legs accompaniment which I seem to produce just from being near a weights rack or machine. It is becoming more difficult though, as the weights have to go up whenever I can comfortably complete 3 sets of 15 (endurance-based weights routine). The stiffness has been manageable so far, but I think I am in for some pain. The foam roller has been evil to my IT band, which is now perpetually tight from the running, so that has been my daily dose of therapy to try and loosen it up. The calves have been talkative too, but that’s to be expected I suppose. Going to have a sports massage later this week to give them both some love.

I titled this post with the above words as I am facing a ‘setback’, in that my knee is hurt again. I took on a hill training session on the Friday and think I overextended in my stride on my fourth rep as I felt it slightly go. The pain has progressively worsened over the weekend, and as such I have again missed out on doing my long run, or any running this week. Just weights, which has been interesting as they involve legwork, so I have sensibly tried to stick to the exercises I can do without pain. I have also only just realised (thank you, my ever-sensible mother) that whilst on a first aid course (which included rescuing ‘victims’ in the pool) I pretty much primarily stuck to breaststroke when we were required to actually do some swimming….which is the first thing you’re NOT supposed to do when you have silly knees. I shall now retire to a corner and marvel in disbelief at my inherent lack of common sense.

Of course, setbacks are only as large as you let them be, and I am not worried about this one (perhaps, not as much as I should be?). I may not be speedy, but there is still time. Thus, the required willpower is what is going to be the tough thing to muster up to drag myself out in the cold, up to the gym to grow roots on a bike/crosstrainer yet again. I only have myself to blame!

I actually like hill reps. It’s a quick workout, and it hurts yes. But you feel like wonderwoman when you finish (and have managed to stop gasping and lolling about with your eyes slightly bulging). They’re a nice mixer to the long slog of the distance run, and a welcome short session compared to the lengthening tempo-run (which is awful). I want to try to keep them in my sessions, as hill reps are pretty well known for building up strength in the old glutes, which makes you faster on the flat courses. If I can’t get the distance in just yet perhaps I’ll see how I go with these!

I shall be attempting the Brighton Half next weekend (the 19th Feb) with Diaryofadashionista, but am not putting any pressure on myself for a time. I’m going to be aware of ‘the knee’ but reckon if I rest it this week I should be raring to go, as it’s definitely not as strained at the first time I did it! Here’s hoping…and praying, and thumb holding, and any other good luck rituals I can think of 😀

About rundancerun

This blog is a platform for my feelings, thoughts and training experiences of the process that one undergoes to finish a race/personal challenge. I like to try new things and activities, but always with the goal for it to supplement my running. I want to experience life through running, dance and some small amount of introspection, & I invite you to share some of your views with me.
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